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  • Year 4 - Art

    Published 03/07/24

    Inspired by Georges Seurat, Year 4 recreated his masterpieces using Pointilism.

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  • Year 4 - Maths

    Published 03/07/24

    Year 4 played a coordinate game and Year 4 correctly drew, labelled, and positioned themselves on a grid.

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  • Reception - Ramsey Heights

    Published 02/07/24

    Reception class had an excellent day on their school trip to Ramsey Heights. We divided into two groups and completed different activities around the nature reserve. The children went on a walk around the site to see if they could spot signs of animals that live there, went pond dipping, built dens and learnt all about the life cycle of a frog!

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  • Year 2 - Maths

    Published 20/06/24

    Year 2 are learning about turns. They first practised turning clockwise and anticlockwise before drawing quadrants on the floor to work on their quarter, half, three-quarter and whole turns. They then worked as a pair to turn objects and work out how far each object had turned.

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  • The Beekeeper and Pollination

    Published 18/06/24

    Last week, our school had the pleasure of hosting Kids Country, along with the Peterborough & District Beekeepers Association. The children engaged in various activities, including learning about bees, creating seed bombs, and even tasting honey. 

    It was an exciting opportunity for the students to understand the importance of honey bees and their critical role in our ecosystem.

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  • Sacrewell Farm - Year 1

    Published 13/06/24

    This term Year 1 visited Sacrewell Farm as part of their topic ‘Food and Farming’. At the start of the day, the children visited the kitchen garden where they went on a scavenger hunt to search for various fruits and vegetables. They also sowed their own pumpkin seeds. The children then went on a tractor ride learning about the different crops growing in the fields, orchards and visited a reservoir. After lunch, they walked round the farm and spotted lots of different animals including alpacas, pigs and goats. Later in the afternoon, they enjoyed playing in the adventure playground.

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  • Rutland Watersports Centre - Year 4

    Published 12/06/24

    This term Year 4 visited Rutland Watersports Centre. The children had a very enjoyable time and were asked to write a recount of their day. You will find some of their recounts below.

    Year 4 student

    On Thursday 6th June, Year 4 went to Rutland Water.  We kayaked and did raft building.

    Me and my group got our wetsuits and helmets on.  We got pushed onto the water and started paddling.  I saw a fish jump up.  We paddled to a beach where we made our rafts.  Miss Robbins helped us splash everyone!

    We got 4 barrels, 4 ropes and 4 planks of wood to work with.  We finished constructing our rafts and set sail.  We aimed for the orange buoy and then turned around and splashed everyone else.  Then we jumped in and pulled our rafts into shore to return to our kayaks and paddle back.

    Back at the base, we got a surprise, we were invited to jump off the pontoon!  I ran up and… jumped into the water.

    This was the most fun day ever!

    Year 4 student

    On Thursday 6th June 2024 my class, Year 4, went to Rutland Water for our last school trip to go kayaking.  Some of the best teachers came along like: Mrs Edenbrow, Mrs Barker, Ms Lewin and Ms Robbins.

    When we got off the coach our instructor, Pete, told us what our activities were for the day.  We got our wet shoes and swimwear, and we all got a wetsuit.  Getting into it was a nightmare! We had to put on a life jacket and a helmet for safety.

    We were told to get into groups of four and each group took control of a kayak.  We had to follow Pete out into the lake but my group was turning the wrong way and needed to be rescued by another boat!

    We made it to the shore to start raft building with barrels, rope and wood.  We pushed the finished rafts into the water and the rest of my group got on – but not me!  When I got on, one of my team fell off!  We helped her back onto the raft and paddled away.  In the deeper water I accidentally fell in and swallowed some water that had duck poo in!  Yuck!

    Back at the shed, Peter said he had a surprise for us.  It was to jump off the pontoon and swim all the way back to shore.  When it was my turn I ran and jumped off.  It was very scary but I overcame my fear.

    This was the best school trip EVER!

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  • Interhouse Competitions

    Published 04/06/24

    We have been participating in inter-house competitions across the school. The children were split into houses in mixed teams and competed against each other. They played football, basketball and hockey whilst cheering and encouraging their peers, demonstrating fantastic examples of sportspersonship. 


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  • Sound - Year 4

    Published 24/05/24

    Year 4 have been learning about Sound.

    We have conducted experiments to find out if larger pinnae (ear flaps) can help us to hear better and tested pitch by creating pan pipes and using them to play a version of ‘Three Blind Mice’.

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  • Teddy Bears Picnic

    Published 21/05/24

    On Friday 17th May, the children came to school wearing their pyjamas and were able to bring a teddy to join them at school for the day. We had a special picnic lunch and the catering team organised the school packed lunches into individual picnic boxes. The children sat in a circle in the hall to eat their lunch with their classmates and their teddy bear friends! We were also able to raise funds for the Friends of Heritage Park Primary School through the contributions that were made to support this day.

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  • Year 2 - Hunstanton Trip

    Published 16/05/24

    Year 2 went on a trip to Hunstanton beach as part of their upcoming unit of work on the seaside. They had a lovely day looking around the Sealife Centre and even got to touch the starfish carefully. They then spent some time on the beach building sandcastles and playing games. The class also looked at different shells and rocks on the beach for part of their ‘treasures on the beach’ poetry unit of work. Some children even found evidence of crabs moulting their shells. 

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  • Year 3 - Black Country Museum Trip

    Published 14/05/24

    Year 3 enjoyed a day exploring the Black Country Museum on Wednesday 1st May. The trip was a fantastic opportunity for our children to experience first-hand the historical significance of this unique living museum.

    One of the highlights of the trip was the visit to the mine, which took the students 30 feet deep into the fascinating world of coal mining. It was a truly eye-opening experience for them to understand the challenging conditions that miners faced in the past.

    The children also participated in a school lesson from 1912, taught by Mr. Griffith. The children got a taste of how different schooling was back then, with strict rules and a traditional teaching style. Mr. Griffith certainly made an impression on the children!

    The museum also provided our students with the chance to explore a range of old shops and artefacts, offering a glimpse into the daily lives and culture of people in the Black Country during the industrial revolution. From traditional blacksmith shops to quaint sweet stores. The children were really well-behaved and asked the characters there lots of really interesting questions.

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