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Year 3 - Black Country Museum Trip

Year 3 enjoyed a day exploring the Black Country Museum on Wednesday 1st May. The trip was a fantastic opportunity for our children to experience first-hand the historical significance of this unique living museum.

One of the highlights of the trip was the visit to the mine, which took the students 30 feet deep into the fascinating world of coal mining. It was a truly eye-opening experience for them to understand the challenging conditions that miners faced in the past.

The children also participated in a school lesson from 1912, taught by Mr. Griffith. The children got a taste of how different schooling was back then, with strict rules and a traditional teaching style. Mr. Griffith certainly made an impression on the children!

The museum also provided our students with the chance to explore a range of old shops and artefacts, offering a glimpse into the daily lives and culture of people in the Black Country during the industrial revolution. From traditional blacksmith shops to quaint sweet stores. The children were really well-behaved and asked the characters there lots of really interesting questions.

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