At Heritage Park Primary School we are fully committed to providing all of our pupils every opportunity to fulfil their potential. We believe all children are entitled to an education that promotes high standards and enables them to achieve their best. We recognise that some children will find some areas of learning much more difficult than their peers. We will aim to ensure that the children with SEND receive the support and provision they need, whilst providing a high quality of education.
SEND Policy and SEND Information Report
These documents are both updated on an annual basis in the Autumn term. To see the Heritage Park Primary School SEND Policy or Information Report 2023-24, please find the links to these at the bottom of this page.
Accessibility Plan
This is a three-year action plan which is reviewed internally on an annual basis. To view our Accessibility Plan, please find the link below.
Local Offer
Peterborough's Local Offer is aimed at providing better support and services for children and young people with special educational needs (SEN) or disabilities and their families. Our Local Offer is accessible through this link:
In this one place, you can find information about providers of the following services:
- Special educational provision
- Health services
- Social care services
- Other educational provision
- Preparing for adulthood, including housing and employment
- Leisure and social opportunities
To make the Local Offer accessible to all, the following arrangements are in place:
- The Peterborough Send Information Hub (Local Offer) is available from a smart (mobile) phone.
- Libraries across the city will help search for information online.
- Support services such as SEND Information Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) will help you navigate the Local Offer. Contact: 01733 863979
- Community groups and organisations such as Family Voice Peterborough are available to assist and help you.
Mrs E Carson-Doughty